Health & Safety

KML Mining Services have a serious, moral and legal responsibility to safeguard all of its employees, the environment and anybody else or communities affected by our business. Therefore, protecting against the above matters and risk of injury or health during any construction project is something the company takes very seriously. The KML Mining Group and its directors will do everything in its power, both now and in the future, to prevent accidents, injuries, occupational illnesses on the release of materials, which could be detrimental to the environment.

Safety and efficiency are essential requirements in KML’s pursuit of prosperity and success.

Quality Assurance

As one of the key fundamentals of KML’s policies, quality assurance is always a vital consideration of the Group and its staff.

All quality control frequency and the type of testing follow SANS 1200 and COLTO / CSRA as applicable.

Test methods and procedures follow recommendations of the specific industry in which the work is being completed.

KML Mining Services uses commercial testing laboratories to perform internal quality and process control testing.

Quality Policy & Objectives

KML has a quality focus on its customers and strives to improve the overall quality of its equipment and solutions using four key objectives:

  1. On-time delivery of 95% or greater

  2. Not less than ‘above expectations’ on customer satisfaction ratings

  3. Reduction of non-conforming material by monitoring trends, product types and suppliers

  4. Using customer satisfaction surveys KMLtracks, reviews, and reports customer satisfaction on all operations